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Humboldt Rifle& Pistol Club

Indoor Range - 13 8th Street South     *****     Outdoor range - 1941 215th Street

Supporting The Shooting Sports in Humboldt, Iowa Since 1958.
Affiliated with NRA and CMP and promoting a safe shooting environment
for our members and youth.


Outdoor Range is OPEN!
Take care entering and leaving if the range is muddy.
Leave the gates the way you found them to prevent  wandering livestock.


Monthly Club Meeting
Thursday, August 8, 7:30 pm


Action Pistol and 2-Gun Matches Scheduled
All events are scheduled to begin at 9:00 am

These events are open to everyone! Bring a friend! Cost is just $10.
You will be shooting and moving around barriers to different targets. 
Plan to bring plenty of ammo, several magazines, a holster, ear and eye protection
This is a great event to keep your skills sharp!
Contact Jim Mertz with questions, 515-368-1495

Pistol Match Dates:
July 21
August 18
September 15

2-Gun Match Dates:
July 28
August 25
September 22

Watch the Club Calendar!

We want everybody to enjoy our facilities, and we all need to work together to utilize range time.
Scheduled events always have priority for range use.
If you want to organize an event, bring your idea to a club meeting so we can discuss and get it scheduled.

> Outdoor range will be closed
8:45 am until 12:30 pm for 4H rifle practice June 15


NRA dues required for club membership

You can renew through the club. It's cheaper than through regular channels:
 $35/year or $85 for 3 years or $125 for 5 years.
Plus you support our club because the club gets a commission from each membership!




Check the club calendar 
for scheduled events.
If you want something added to the calendar, email pstorr@ncn.net



See info at these web sites:

NRA Basic Pistol Instruction
Our club has several NRA Certified Pistol Instructors:  Gerry West, Pat Storr, Bill Holden, Jim Mertz, Kerri Mertz, Les Bacon, Phil McLaren, Doug Bacon, Kent Stern,  Tim Vought, Chris Brock, Brian Ernst, are all certified to teach NRA Basic Pistol classes
If you know of anyone interested in taking a class, contact one of the instructors.

2024 Officers:     President - Patrick Peterson
  Vice President - Bill Meyer
Secretary - Jim Mertz
Treasurer - Vicki Holden
Chief Range Safety Officer - Bill Holden

            WEB SITE SUGGESTIONS?   If you see any corrections or want anything added, please email pstorr@ncn.net.