responsible shooting sports enthusiast is welcome to become a member of
our club. We offer facilities where you and your family can shoot
safely and comfortably. Our indoor range is open year around and
features six 50-foot firing lanes with electric target returns. Our
outdoor range, open April through September, features 16 firing
points at 100 and 200 yards as well as a short-range pistol bay.
Members are invited to participate in organized competitive events including:
- NRA four-position .22 rifle league October-December
- "handicap" pistol league in December
- "hunters" league in November
- NRA bullseye pistol league - January-March
- NRA High-power rifle matches April and September
- other "as-announced" matches organized by members.

- Be a citizen of the United States 18 years of age or over
- You must not be a convicted felon and can legally own firearms
- You must agree and adhere to the NRA Pledge
- You must be an active member of the NRA.
- Your membership must be approved by vote of the Executive Committee.
- You must pay your dues
- The member’s annual dues to the club shall be $125.00 payable at the January meeting.
- Senior member (over 65) annual dues to the club shall be $65.00 payable at the January meeting.
- New members joining
the club will be levied pro-rated dues based on the month they join the
club. (A new member is defined as one that has not been a member for
three consecutive years proceeding the year in which they wish to apply
for membership). Renewal of all membership will be
in January with the usual membership fee as noted above.
If you are interested in becoming a club member,
download and complete a membership information form here
or contact Jim Mertz -